1. Masks are required for all attending Linwood during this phase.
>> If a mask is needed, Linwood will provide one.
2. All attending Linwood are asked to frequently wash your hands.
>> Hand sanitizer will also always be available in multiples locations.
3. Individuals and family groups will have to social distance from others by six (6) feet.
4. Restrooms will be available.
5. There cannot be any congregating anywhere inside the building.
6. Doors will be open for easy access.
7. A tithe box will be available in the foyer for your convenience.
8. For the safety of others, any individual with a temperature of 100.4°F is asked not to attend. You are asked to monitor your temperature as an indicator of the virus.
9. If you have any symptoms, or recently interacted with people who have symptoms, we ask you to refrain from attending and encourage you to participate through our online options.
If you are comfortable with the personal responsibility guidelines noted above and are willing to comply for the safety of others, please plan to attend Linwood in person.
*There will be an adult Sabbath School class at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary, followed by a Worship Service at 11 a.m.
>>We will continue to stream the Worship Service.
Our Worship Services are also available on YouTube to watch at your convenience. To view our YouTube channel, click here.